Possible Drug Abuse?

Question by Beth66: possible drug abuse?
If a man becomes involved with a woman from his past where there were numerous legal problems (criminal) and drug abuse and his behavior changes dramatically is it possible there is a drug connection again? He dropped all of his friends, his professional training as an athlete and started chronic lying. He had episodes of bizarre behavior also.

Best answer:

Answer by Pam H
Quite possible.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


If We Build It, Will They Come? Drug Treatment and the Affordable Care Act

Filed under: drug abuse help for families

Admission of a drug or alcohol problem can also be humiliating and stigmatizing. It puts people at risk of being discriminated against in employment, housing, and health care. Moreover, the help being offered, whether voluntary or coerced, is a one …
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Invisible Wounds: Malcolm Williams

Filed under: drug abuse help for families

It was closer to home, his family and his wife. But that's when things got worse. “They offered me a professional at first, when I first got PTSD. And then when I moved from … Williams spent three months in Homewood Health Centre – a psychiatric …
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Fort Lauderdale Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility Announces Family Night

Filed under: drug abuse help for families

The Ft. Lauderdale rehab center plans to continue holding the monthly Family Night events to help the families of those that are attending or have attended their alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs. Addiction is a family disease that often …
Read more on PR Web (press release)