How to Overcome Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by plzhelpimaddictedtovicodin: How to overcome prescription drug addiction?
I have been addicted to prescription pain pills for almost 2 years, and my husband has no idea. My question is how do I beat my addiction without him knowing what is happening? I love him and my family and do not want to hurt them by telling them I am an addict. I know I can overcome my addiction I just need to know what kind of withdrawl symptoms I will have and how long they will last. And if there is anything else I need to know that will make the withdrawls a lot less obvious or if there is anything over the counter that will help with the withdrawl symptoms I would be forever greatful to anyone who can help me

Best answer:

Answer by Biker
Check into a rehab.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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Kirk, Manchin Amendment to Help Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse Passes US Senate

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Y.) that would help prevent prescription drug abuse of substances that contain hydrocodone and make it more difficult to abuse the addictive pain medicine. The Senators' amendment to the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act …
Read more on eNews Park Forest


State tries to halt prescription drug abuse

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

Tennessee has some of the highest prescription drug abuse rates in the country. State Mental Health Commissioner Doug Varney says the epidemic is so bad here that officials are now projecting that requests for treatment for pill addiction will overtake …
Read more on Shelbyville Times-Gazette


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avoiding prescription drug addictionDrug Addiction Help Now-Drug Addiction Help Now – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )


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My True Story of Prescription Drug Addiction | Changing Lives Foundation Blog – by thinks_toomuch (Martha Armstrong)


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RT @ChangngLives: Brand new post in “Real People, Real Stories”. Thanks for sharing your story with us David! – by tewcute (sue)