Is It Rude of Me to Ask for a Paternity Test? Is It Even Possible to Do It Against Siblings?

Question by Missymae: Is it rude of me to ask for a paternity test? Is it even possible to do it against siblings?
My father cheated on my mother so much during their marriage. He was a musician and on the road a lot. My mother got tired of the life and divorced my dad. My father was a huge drug addict as well. the women whom claimed they had his child, all took a paternity test, none but me came back his. Well in 1991 I was 12 years old when my dad calls and says i have a 6 year old little brother. He sent me pictures but that was it. In May of 1992 my father committed suicide.(over dosed) and 6 days after his death a court in Florence Arizona appointed this little boy my fathers son. How? there was no paternity done? and my fathers name wasn’t even spelled correctly on this paper. Did my dad sign it prior to death because he felt guilty that he was dying of Aids? Needless to say, this devastated my mom financially and mentally. She received SSI for me but it had to be split with this kid.I have no clue who he is or where he is. Well to the fun part of my story….

Tuesday morning I commented on an aquaintances FB post. at 7:11 pm i get this email;

Hey missy I hate to bring this up if it may be true but my best friends sisters bf saw that you commented on my page and I guess he has a sister he’s never met from tucson who’s name _s missy ****y she’s about our age with dark hair…I guess his dad had another family and anyway his dads name is shane and he passed away many years ago…could you be his long lost sibling?

Yes I am. I emailed her, and gave her my number. about 30 min later i get an email from my ‘brother’ with a picture that says is this your dad. **sigh** yes it is my dad. Ask me 20 years ago if i wanted a brother, the answer was yes! I am 31 now and have been the only child my whole life! I did suck it up and talk to him. He is 100% sure he is my fathers son, i hear no doubt in his voice. But I knew my dad, I knew how many others claimed to be a sibling and they were proven not to be. I think he so wants to be my brother. I just don’t know where i stand on it. I was used,abused, lied to by my dad, i have nothing good to say about him.

If this guy is my brother, would i be rude to ask for a paternity test? I need to know. I will pay for it. I just need closure in my life. or a new beginning with him, maybe? can we be tested against each other? my father is dead so we can not test him. What would you do?
I wasnt sure which it was called! thanks for clarifying it!
My father was cremated. his ashes we thrown over the white mountains in Az where he and my mother were married. I do want to devastate this guy at all. but i could tell you horror stories, about my father. A man this guy has met twice in his life time. I had the privilege of being in a car with my cousin while my father decided he was going to rob the 7/11. Or when he took me out to ice cream when i was 8 and held the owners up at gun point. I have held a grudge my whole life.. how can my dad be a dad to some one else when he couldn’t be a dad to me? I don’t know if i want to open my self up to be hurt so badly again by this guy who turns out not to be my brother… does that make sense?

Best answer:

Answer by woodenhandle
A test would show if you’re siblings.
Just tell him your concerns .. he should understand.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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