How Do I Cure My Internet Addiction?

Question by sooiee115: How do I cure my internet addiction?
OK, I have serious internet addiction and my school grades/personal life has taken quite a hit because of it last year.
I really want to cure myself especially since my Junior year in High School is coming up, and I do not want to mess up this important time in my life. Even if I have tons of things to do, I like to stay on the internet for hours – watching anime/speedruns of games on youtube, reading forums, fanfiction, random stuff on wikipedia, just really time wasting things. I can even spend a whole night and a whole day just in front of my computer. Please help me. Now I’ve got tons of school hw, and studying to do before school starts in September, and I am really desperate!

Best answer:

Answer by Aussie Gal
yea i am addicted to the internet n its messin me up lol so jus get into texting ma friend!!!!!! i am exactly like that i cant get off the net ever its so bad!

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China Internet Addiction – China has cemented its position as the world’s largest Internet population, with the number of Internet users reaching a staggering 300 million at the end of 2008, according to the China Internet Network Information Centre. For more news and videos visit ? Follow us on Twitter ? http Add us on Facebook ? But there is a downside. At a newly created Internet addiction treatment centre, Cheng Jiawei had to finish one last exercise of arranging toy figurines in a sandpit, a way her doctors could understand how her mind worked. Once spending 15 hours a day in Internet cafes, Cheng’ arrangements toned down after two and a half months at China’s largest Internet addiction treatment centre. [Cheng Wei, Patient]: “When I played video games, I believed that I was one character in the games. I made ‘friends’ playing video games that I couldn’t make in real life.” Cheng’s family spent 3700 dollars on the treatment, while some 60 children are in the treatment centre. Tao Ran founded China’s biggest Internet addiction treatment centre, and is now looking for additional space as more people knock on the door for help. [Tao Ran, Director]: “There are more than 200 organisations offering treatment for internet addiction in China now. If it weren’t for the fast increase in the number of these hospitals, we would have many more people coming here for help.” The treatment does not come cheap – each patient pays about 1500 dollars (USD) a month, sometimes staying for up


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