What Are the Health Dangers From Tobacco (Both Cigarettes and Cigars), Alcohol, and Drug Abuse? What Are Some?

Question by austin: What are the health dangers from tobacco (both cigarettes and cigars), alcohol, and drug abuse? What are some?
What are the health dangers from tobacco (both cigarettes and cigars), alcohol, and drug abuse? What are some of the impacts of caffeine and sugar on the body?

Best answer:

Answer by Meenamae
For the latter, caffine and sugar, the inability to slow down for a while and then, CRASH! For tobacco, drugs, and alcohol, death.

What do you think? Answer below!



More Women Hiding Alcohol, Drug Abuse – More women are turning to self-medicating with alcohol and drugs to help them balance the challenges of work and family.


Substance Abuse Continues to Be An Issue for Vets

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse found that alcohol use remains high for the 30 million veterans in the U.S. Twenty-three percent of male veterans admit to regularly binge drinking, as do 14 percent female veterans. According to data from …
Read more on Law Firm Newswire (press release)


Hawaii Teens Drug Abuse Facts

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

In terms of alcohol use, about 14 percent of adolescent males and 19 percent of adolescent females have reported drinking alcohol, with 10 percent of males and 12 percent of females engaging in binge drinking. Data from the National Survey of Substance …
Read more on TestCountry.com (blog)