Lucas Catton Slams Narconon Fox News 25


Lucas Catton Slams Narconon Fox News 25 – Agust 20, 2012 – Former President of Narconon Arrowhead, Lucas Catton, is speaking out about why he thinks the facility is more affiliated with Scientology than it claims. Gary Smith said in a statement to Fox 25: “Narconon has always acknowledged that our organization receives support from the Church of Scientology.” There have been four deaths at Narconon Arrowhead – three within the past nine months. Senator Tom Ivester said he will author legislation aimed at regulating questionable practices of a drug treatment program with close ties to the Church of Scientology. The lawmaker said a quick legal search revealed no less than 15 lawsuits against the facility on Lake Eufaula, Narconon Arrowhead. Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire, he said. MARISA MENDELSON INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER


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6 Responses to Lucas Catton Slams Narconon Fox News 25

  • 79274333 says:

    Narconon exists for two reasons, one is to make money for scientology, secound to create scientologists to make more money? for scientology.

  • Judy King says:

    Has anyone checked into the black mold at Narconon Arrowhead? May be the reason for the deaths due upper? respiratory infections and pneumonia. Lucas Catton lied about Narconon being a front for Scientology. He is a liar…he knew the truth all the time. I think he is distancing himself form Narconon now, because he is afraid that he will be held liable for lying and misrepresenting Narconon. The day of judgement is coming quickly.

  • sk8mike says:

    I’d like you watch one? of these reporters put Scientology on the spot, just once. All they’d have to do is ask, “How have the Scientology materials used by NARCONON been secularized?” Make them explain it. I’d love to see squirm while they try to talk their way out of that lie.

  • 79274333 says:

    Miscavige,? the high school, asthmatic dwarf will end up in jail one day, I am sure.

  • marclacasse1 says:

    Lucas Catton is a? fool.

  • AngryNotSoOldHippy says:

    Lucas also? needs to go to prison.

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