Merrell: A Meth Addicts Story of Truth at Habilitat Hawaii Long Term Substance Abuse Program


Merrell: a meth addicts story of truth at Habilitat Hawaii long term substance abuse program – Meth is a huge issue in America today. Its easy to make, cheap to use and creates a whole list of problems. Merrell: a meth addicts story of truth at Habilitat Hawaii long term substance abuse program explains the progression of the addiction. Habilitat is a long term substance abuse treatment center located in Hawaii. We have been helping people beat their addictions for over 40 years. If we can do it so can you! Contact Habilitat Hawaii at… 1-800-872-2525


Rehab 'a 0k saving over jail'

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

A cost-benefit analysis of how non-violent offenders are treated within Australia's justice system challenges the wisdom of spending billions to house more criminals behind bars while reducing funding for drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs for …
Read more on The Australian


Could our brains be trained to resist cravings?

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

Dagher suggests the findings lend support to the idea that addiction is actually dysfunctional decision-making, a result of abnormal communication between the two areas of the brain. “What we're saying … is that addiction is a disorder of choice,” he …
Read more on Globe and Mail