Inpatient Alcohol Treatment in Colorado | Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Colorado


Inpatient Alcohol Treatment in Colorado | Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Colorado – Inpatient Alcohol Treatment in Colorado offers living and rehab accommodations for drug, alcohol, and prescription d…


Prison Or Treatment For the Mentally ill

Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers

Some of this 'deinstitutionalization' comes from the availability of medication and improved outpatient treatment, but most of the change is no more than a switch of institutions from hospital to prison." "Every year, tens of thousands of … Their …
Read more on Huffington Post (blog)


Iraqi Children: Deprived Rights, Stolen Future

Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers

Whereas such high figures of reported PTSD is concerning for the US military and the families of those serving, the fact remains that the military is aware of it and has a treatment and rehabilitation program in place for veterans of warfare …
Read more on Center for Research on Globalization