The Value of Drug Addiction Research: Michael Nader at TEDxWakeForestU


The Value of Drug Addiction Research: Michael Nader at TEDxWakeForestU – Michael Nader from the Wake Forest Primate Center presents his talk titled The Value of Drug Addiction Research. He suggests that we are approaching the prob…


War on drug addiction

Filed under: drug abuse help for families

Joe Manchin was moved by the stories of families ruined by prescription drug addiction. “They lost everything … “This piece of legislation has the endorsement and support of bipartisan Democrats and Republicans,” Manchin said. “They know by putting …
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AP Photos: Addiction Lurks Behind Myanmar Conflict

Filed under: drug abuse help for families

Their drug of choice is heroin. Opium is grown here, and heroin is cheap and easy to find. Help in overcoming addiction, however, is rare. The men who come to the Kachin Baptist Convention's rehabilitation camp, one of the few places addicts can seek …
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WVU forum helps doctors recognize opioid addiction

Filed under: drug abuse help for families

The Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act would cut the number of opioid and methadone-related deaths through new training requirements for providers, consumer education and support for drug-monitoring programs. Another bill would …
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