What Are Some Ways Society Can Prevent Drug Abuse?

Question by nycaypeh: What are some ways society can prevent drug abuse?
What are some ways society can prevent drug abuse among teens, and adults? How can we enforce laws to make sure that people stay away from drugs, and stay healthy? Any any answer will be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by crazycolt1
One thing could be a 20 year mandatory sentence for drug dealing. 2nd offence the death penalty. No more plea bargains.

What do you think? Answer below!



Teen Drug Abuse – Elements CEO, Dr. David Sack, talks about teen substance abuse and what parents should do if they suspect their child is using drugs.


From Twitter:

#Teens (grades 8th-11th): Join NIDA’s Teen Advisory Group and help shape drug abuse prevention materials @NIDAnews: http://t.co/Wxfjes1tdt – by volunTEENnation (VolunTEEN Nation)


From Twitter:

Teens in grades 8-11: Join NIDA’s Teen Advisory Group & help shape drug abuse prevention materials: http://t.co/jJiJgwnd9k – by EnvisionCounsel (EnvisionCounseling )


From Twitter:

#Teens (grades 8th-11th) Join NIDA’s Teen Advisory Group and help shape drug abuse prevention materials @NIDAnews: http://t.co/Wxfjes1tdt – by volunTEENnation (VolunTEEN Nation)