I Am Looking for a New Book to Read, I Am Into Nephilim/Teen Romance, Like the Hush,Hush Series?

Question by Amber J: I am looking for a new book to read, I am into Nephilim/Teen romance, Like the Hush,Hush series?
I know the newest of the Hush,Hush series is coming out this fall, and I have been reading some other books, but I want to know is there any other Nephilim romance out there ? Its an addiction!
Books I already have:
Fallen pt 1
Fallen pt 2
Blue Blood series

Best answer:

Answer by ? Nicola ?
I love Nephilim books too! 🙂

My favourite:
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.

The first book is City Of Bones.
The second book is City of Ashes.
The third book is City of Glass.
And City of Fallen Angels is being released this year.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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