???? 201301-28 ???-????????


???? 201301-28 ???-???????? – Structured settlements Mesothelioma Acne Life Insurance Asbestos Bextra Bankruptcy Car Insurance Dental Plans Private Jets Debt Consolidation Credit Cards Ca…


Hartford, Connecticut Says No To The Koch Brothers

Filed under: drug treatment centers in ohio

According to the Center for American Progress, the Kochs have given at least $ 85 million to 85 right-wing think tanks and advocacy groups over the past 15 years. They have also spent $ 5.2 million to support candidates and ballot measures in 34 states …
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Ohio groups awarded M in health grants from feds

Filed under: drug treatment centers in ohio

–Clermont Recovery Center, Inc., $ 44,938. The center is a drug-and-alcohol treatment and prevention agency in Batavia. It will educate and help enroll the uninsured in several counties in Ohio, including Clermont, Brown and Adams. — Helping Hands …
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Oops: Ohio instructor shoots student in gun-safety class

Filed under: drug treatment centers in ohio

The incident occurred Saturday at around 7:30 p.m. at Dunlap's combination shooting range and training center located at 6995 Coonpath Road near the town of Lancaster. Dunlap was openly displaying a hand gun in the classroom when he fired the bullet.
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