What Might Make a Person Go to Extremes to Cope With Emotions?

Question by : What might make a person go to extremes to cope with emotions?
Often when I’m overwhelmed by emotions or stress, I go to extremes to deal with it. I’ve struggled with bulimia, drug abuse, over drinking, over-spending when I shop to feel better, and casual sex with random guys (online and in person). I have a family history of bipolar disorder, but I do not have it. When I do those things, it’s not mania. It’s just my reaction to stress and unpleasant emotions. From a psychological perspective, what are some common (or uncommon) reasons people go to extremes?

Best answer:

Answer by ???d???ar ??d? ?
I used to bottle up my emotiona until I would literally go crazy and start hurting myself . ( cutting ) . I say , dont hold anything back , say how you feel and dont give a f__k (excuse my language). It feels better trust me

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