Addicted to Prescription Drugs? Need Help? Call (888) 745-9950 Get Off Meds


Addicted to Prescription Drugs? Need Help? Call (888) 745-9950 Get Off Meds – From – Addicted to Prescription Drugs – Your mental health can be severely damaged by an addiction to prescription drugs. Just because …


'Recovery Court': New state facility to provide substance abuse treatment

Filed under: prescription drug abuse help

People in the Recovery Court program will help with the facility's upkeep and do “things in prison we would have to pay for,” said Varney. The program is a clear recognition that prescription drug abuse is a growing health concern. According to …
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Strategies make an impact on abuse of prescription drugs

Filed under: prescription drug abuse help

As prescription drugs have been harder to come by, more abusers are turning to heroin. And that has prompted an increase in heroin overdoes deaths. That's why efforts to provide more addiction treatment are needed to help curb overall use of deadly drugs.
Read more on Huntington Herald Dispatch