Has Anyone Ever Heard of Willard Drug Treatment Campus in NY and if So Do They Count Wknds as Days Being Serve

Question by mocha: has anyone ever heard of willard drug treatment campus in NY and if so do they count wknds as days being serve

Best answer:

Answer by servicedogstar
if its a mandatory treatment program that you where sentedce to the yes the do ninety day is ninety consecutive days including weekends or whatever the sentece is

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



physiotherapy/cruciate surgery.MOV – Toby is recovering from Cruciate surgery (TPLO). He loves the underwater treadmill with Brooke (APA Animal Physiotherapist at North Coast Veterinary Speciali…


Law enforcement and court records — September 26

Filed under: willard drug treatment program

Pierre must complete a sex offender treatment program before he is eligible for parole. -Jacob Fleming, 37, of … For the offense of criminal possession of dangerous drugs, a felony, Matt had her sentence deferred for three years, according to a plea …
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Hospice agency marks 30 years

Filed under: willard drug treatment program

Shank, who has served as executive director for 23 years, said Community Hospice Care has experienced better care for patients, especially in terms of safety, and growth in personnel, volunteers and outreach programs. According to Community Hospice …
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