Young Drug Abuse?

Question by Kate.L: Young drug abuse?
Young drug abuse is a serious proble nowadays in many countries, what are the reason for this and what can be done to combat it?

Best answer:

Answer by Jinjer S
Lack of self esteem, lack of self confidence. Feeling the only way to belong is do what everyone else is doing.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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Rosecrance Warns Against Drug Use in Teens

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

Rosecrance says right now they treat more than 1,000 children each year for drug abuse or dependency at their adolescent treatment center. They have almost eighty teenagers admitted to their treatment program, roughly 60% are there for marijuana use …
Read more on WIFR


Cabral asks for medical examiner funds

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

“We had a glut of people in medium security, and if you're in medium security there are fewer programs available to you,” Cabral said. She said … The Patrick administration is seeking to provide drug abuse treatment outside of correctional facilities …
Read more on The Daily News of Newburyport