Addiction Is a Health Issue (Kaiser Foundation PSA)


Addiction is a health issue (Kaiser Foundation PSA) – Addiction is a health issue, not a moral issue according to this commercial by the Kaiser Foundation.


California's Economic Armageddon

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

In the absence of significant change, Heritage Foundation projects the cost will be $ 10.6 trillion over the next decade. The initial beneficiaries of government aid … It is linked to illegitimacy, poverty and drug abuse. It has turned tradition …
Read more on American Thinker (blog)


Patient records shared in Idaho health data exchange

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

“Privacy and security is our foundation with what we do and how we do it,” said Scott Carrell, executive director for the data exchange. Helms was referred in April to a specialist doctor in … Using a filter to prevent users from seeing information …
Read more on McClatchy Washington Bureau


Cannabis for Elders: A Precarious State

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

Although California facilities administrators—even those who had allowed residents to use medical marijuana, or who considered it—fear federal prosecution and decline to discuss it for publication. But Liz McDuffie, founder of the Medical Cannabis …
Read more on New America Media


2 Wis. sisters claim HPV vaccine affected ovaries

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

The Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration say the vaccine is safe and can help prevent many of the 18,000 cancers in women and 8,000 cancers in men caused by HPV each year. Health officials … The vaccine injury program has …
Read more on Imperial Valley Press