Alcohol Abuse by Women on the Rise – Middle-Aged Drinking Takes Toll on ‘Ladettes’


By Women On The Rise – Middle-Aged Drinking Takes Toll on ‘Ladettes’ – Middle-Aged Drinking Takes Toll on ‘Ladettes’ The ladette generation is swapping pints for wine – leading to a rise in women with drinking problems, campaign…



3 Responses to Alcohol Abuse by Women on the Rise – Middle-Aged Drinking Takes Toll on ‘Ladettes’

  • Luca Brasi says:

    Secret drinkers. She is right about society not wanting women to be
    drunks. Teenage boys love to get teenage girls drunk but men don’t want
    drunk women. If you over about 25 years of age drunken women doing stupid
    things are an embarrassment.
    Who wants their wife to get drunk and tell people what she “really thinks”
    about them on Christmas.?

  • Matt Stocks says:

    One glass of wine doesn’t relax me at all. I need a bottle or two at least.
    And that’s why I don’t bother with alcohol. Once you get to the point you
    need more alcohol to ‘relax’ find other ways because alcoholism is no
    better than an addiction to hard drugs. In some ways , it will kill you
    quicker than an addiction to crack or smack. Do yoga instead if u wanna

  • sergi martinez says:

    Soberistas is the coolest site on earth. I’ve joined because I wanted to
    meet teetotal people, not just people in ‘recovery’. I think that one has
    to shake off any old associations with his/her dependency to alcohol in
    order to be truly free.

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