All Things Being Equal, Would You Rather Vote for a Guy Who Used to Be a Bully or a Guy Who Used to Do Drugs?

Question by thomas_paine: All things being equal, would you rather vote for a guy who used to be a bully or a guy who used to do drugs?
I would vote against the bully. People who are bullies tend to be immature.

You would think the idea of treating others like you would like to be treated should have been learned in grade school.

Best answer:

Answer by crash.override
And this is just ONE account of Romney being a so-called bully. You are gonna judge a man’s character on just ONE act.

Obama, by all accounts, was a HABITUAL drug user in high school. He tried cocaine, he admits in Dreams From My Father; he “tried drugs enthusiastically.” The Chicago Tribune reported back in 2007 that Obama thanked the “Choom Gang” in his high school yearbook; “chooming” was Hawaiian slang for smoking pot. The Honolulu Advertiser reported that Obama’s senior portrait “prominently displayed … A package of ‘Zig-Zag’ rolling papers and a matchbook.” One of Obama’s close friends was arrested for drug possession during high school.

In his memoir, Obama talked about routinely getting high. “Junkie. Pothead,” he wrote. “That’s where I’d been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man.” But, according to Obama, he only got high because he was contemplating deep matters: drugs could “push questions of who I was out of my mind.”

So I think I will take one-time prankster Romney over drugged out Obama.

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