Any Good Book About Triumph Over Alcohol Addiction?

Question by BFM4L: Any good book about triumph over alcohol addiction?
I have a very important family member that suffered from alcohol addiction when they were younger. Then that person went 20 years completely sober, and now recently that person has fallen back into their old ways. Are there any books you could recommend that focus around addiction (especially alcohol) and triumph over it and how they had the strength to overcome it? There was a former CNN anchor that was on CNN a few weeks back promoting her book which mentioned how she was able to get passed her alcohol addiction, but I unfortunately am unable to remember the title. Thanks for any help you can give.

Best answer:

Answer by itslife
I am an alcoholic and have been clean since august/2006. Since then I wrote a book called addicted to life, How I overcame multiple addictions. My book helped myself and has helped others also with thier own addictions. If you want more info please email me.

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