Anyone Know of Any Rehabs for Teenagers? Please Help?

Question by : Anyone know of any Rehabs for teenagers? Please help?
I’m a 16 year old girl. I’ve been doing drugs sense I was 13-14, from smoking weed, to taking ecstasy, to now even smoking meth. I haven’t smoked meth in about 2 weeks now but I have thoughts about it all the time. My family knows I have had drugs problems but they don’t know it’s as serious as meth. I’m afraid of relapsing because I’m trying to get sober. I drink every once in awhile to help the craves. But I don’t want to keep substituting it, I may become an alcoholic. I’ve been doing meth for a year now. I want help, I want a bright future. But I just feel lost and I don’t know were to turn.

I live in Arizona.
Does anyone know of any Rehabs for teenagers that could help me? I don’t know were to turn? I will end up talking to my family about it when I find one.
Please someone. help. 🙁

Best answer:

Answer by sunnygirl1255
Google places close to you and also try calling a hotline. See a therapist. They. An hel you find a rehab too.
Good luck! Dont throw your life away. Some people are dying to live.

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