Are Drug Abusers Being Taken Care of Even After They Finish the Treatment Program?

Question by Tommy: Are drug abusers being taken care of even after they finish the treatment program?
I’m just curious about how things are after life in rehab. See, my friend Jack is about to finish his ten-week treatment program for his addiction with cocaine. I’m really happy to hear the news from his parents that he’s doing just fine. I just want to know if the treatment programs are extended after he leaves the rehab. I mean, do they have programs or activities that help drug abusers to continue with the healing process? I just want my friend to recover from his addiction for good.

Best answer:

Answer by mandy
Yes, of course. Some treatment programs include aftercare services that helps the drug abuser to recover completely. Such programs may include discussion groups, career planning, self-progress therapies and overall guidance. The staff of rehabilitation facilities make sure that their patient will forever leave his dirty old habit. Don’t worry about your friend too much. Have faith that he will make it to full recovery.

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CBS Evening News – Breakthrough in cystic fibrosis treatment – The new drug Kalydeco is being hailed as a breakthrough in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, targeting the underlying genetic cause of the disease decreasing the symptoms. Dr. Jon LaPook reports.


Cancer Drug Unmasks HIV in Immune Cells

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