Ask a Monk: Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Ask A Monk: Drug and Alcohol Addiction – “Hello Yuttadhammo. How can meditation help me overcome an addiction to drugs and alcohol? I would really appreciate your answer, thanks for your time!” Plea…
Forgery arrests highlight Utah's growing problem of painkiller abuse
Filed under: drug addiction help
Dr. Virgil Keate, a psychologist with Davis Behavioral Health, Inc., said a significant number of those seeking help are addicted to prescription drugs. Keate said those seeking help for their addiction get involved in individual, group and family …
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Piner: Drug abuse cost me my job, wife, kids
Filed under: drug addiction help
He said it was mostly to help support his addiction to pain pills. His dealing eventually led to his arrest and to a trial that entered its third week on Tuesday morning, with the jury expected to get the case today. The suspect faces more than 25 drug …
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