ATLANTA RECOVERY CENTER Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise.


ATLANTA RECOVERY CENTER prescription drug abuse on the rise. – The Narconon New Life Detoxification Program has resulted in astonishing improvements in students who consistently report: – Ability to think more clearly. -…


Municipalities target unregulated recovery homes

Filed under: drug addiction statistics

Ministry of Health statistics show there are 55 registered recovery homes in British Columbia, of which 30 are in Surrey. There are another 45 recovery houses that have applied to be registered. … For our people, when they come in they have to make a …
Read more on Vancouver Sun


This Hormone Could Keep You From Getting Stoned Off Marijuana

Filed under: drug addiction statistics

Though marijuana is generally not considered physically addictive, some users have difficulty giving up the drug. Some regular users have reported mild withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, loss of appetite, nausea and sleeplessness upon …
Read more on Huffington Post


CMS: Spending on physician services grew faster in 2012

Filed under: drug addiction statistics

… 2010 to 2012. A few ACA provisions – such as coverage for dependents under age 26 and for patients with pre-existing conditions – increased spending, while others – such as payment cuts to hospitals and rebates for drugs under Medicaid – decreased …
Read more on Clinical Psychiatry News Digital Network