BATH SALTS MANIA CONTINUES AFTER CANNIBAL ATTACK INCIDENT – NEWS REPORT – HOUSTON (FOX 26) – William “Loco” Dunning is well aware of just how crazy you can get when you are high on bath salts. “I was waving a butcher knife around, trying to kill everyone in my house. The law showed up and I got arrested but yeah, it’s a bad thing,” he says with a shudder. Another Galveston man died this weekend, possibly from overdosing on synthetic cathinones, the technical name for bath salts. The chemicals that go into it have been banned in Texas, but users tell their drug counselors it’s still easy to get in certain smoke shops and gas stations. You have to ask for it. It’s kept out of sight. Dr. Mike Heath with Memorial Herman’s Prevention and Recovery Center says the drug produces a state of excited delirium. Users hallucinate and can become highly aggressive. It’s not clear if the psychotic breaks are caused by the drug itself or the lack of sleep for several days that often follows ingesting the stuff. He says it’s a growing problem. “We have a lot more of it here. As a matter of fact, at any one point it would be safe to say we have several patients who say bath salts are their drug of choice.” The Department of Justice’s National Drug Intelligence Center calls the use of bath salts a growing domestic threat. The US Poison Control Center reports zero calls about bath salts in 2009. In 2010, the number was 302. In 2011, it hit 2237. Are the cases like the incident where a Miami man, high on bath salts, chewed off another man’s face splashy but


SOLACE Lorain County helps those dealing with effects of drug addiction

Filed under: drug addiction news 2010

Thomas Stuber, president and CEO of Lorain County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services said, “In 2010, an analysis was completed for all Ohio counties, in Lorain County it showed that there were enough prescription narcotics medication prescribed that every …
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China prisoners exploited in US-sponsored medical study?

Filed under: drug addiction news 2010

In 2010, China Daily discovered that hundreds of drug users were confined involuntarily without any effective therapies against addiction in Ankang Hospital, which is staffed with more policemen than psychologists. The New York Times' investigation …
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