Combatting Procrastination Part 1 With Dr. Bill Knaus


Combatting Procrastination Part 1 with Dr. Bill Knaus – SMART Recovery® presents the first in the series Combatting Procrastination with Dr. Bill Knaus. Part 2: Part 3: This video presents introductory material and a model for understanding and beginning to identify and correct damaging procrastination habits. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful. Psychotherapist Dr. Bill Knaus, renowned authority in the field of overcoming procrastination, joined SMART Recovery in July to present the first-ever of its kind, online procrastination workshop series in 2011. It was a workshop adapted and condensed from his highly successful face-to-face workshops to suit an online audience and make his helpful knowledge and scientific methods for application FREELY available to all. Podcasts of the event are available at Dr. Bill Knaus, Ed.D., is the author of 25 books; one, “Overcoming Procrastination”, was co-authored with Albert Ellis. Knaus is a licensed clinical psychologist and former psychology professor. He has authored books on diverse topics in addition to procrastination where he is the top authority on corrective measures. He is known for his work in the cognitive revolution in psychotherapy and as one of the original directors of post-doctoral training in rational emotive behavioral therapy. To view and order Dr. Knaus’s books, see his FB page Dr. Knaus writes regularly on Psychology Today in his blog, Science and Sensibility: . For


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