Decreasing Us Drug Demand


Decreasing Us drug demand – The large demand for drugs in the US is in great part to be blamed for the violence caused by the drug cartels. For many, the problem relies on prohibition and the solution to reduce demand would be to decriminalize drug use. Others believe drug addiction should be seen and treated as a public health problem, and the solution to reduce demand would be to offer treatment on demand and education the American public the way it was done with cigarettes.


Dallas City Hall says small soccer club stands in the way of progress

Filed under: Drug Use Arizona

3, claims the property is needed “for the purpose of construction, use and maintenance of a park and for any other municipal purpose for the Great Trinity Forest Park — Trinity River Corridor Project.” … Two years later, the Army spit him back into …
Read more on Dallas Morning News


Mayo Clinic Remains Strong after 2012 Financial Report Released

Filed under: Drug Use Arizona

Anxiety Coach, available for Apple iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch users, is a tool that helps people cope with a variety of fears and worries, from extreme shyness to obsessions and compulsions. Mayo Clinic on Pregnancy, available for … For example …