Did Rush Limbaugh Hire the ACLU to Bail Him Out of an Illegal Prescription Drugs Addiction Case?

Question by abcd: Did Rush Limbaugh hire the ACLU to bail him out of an Illegal Prescription Drugs Addiction Case?
Did Rush Limbaugh hire the ACLU to bail him out of an Illegal Prescription Drugs Addiction Case?

Best answer:

Answer by Ingrid
I would not put that past him.

What do you think? Answer below!


Bitter Pills series: Finding ways to combat the growing prescription drug

Filed under: prescription drug addiction

Four years ago, Wilkes County had one of the highest overdose rates in the country, four times the North Carolina average. From 2007 to 2009, state records show, overdoses killed more people in Wilkes County than car wrecks. Almost all of the overdoses …
Read more on Fayetteville Observer


Doctor shoppers: Small number, big impact on prescription drug abuse

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“Doctor shoppers,” or people who visit multiple physicians' offices and pharmacies soliciting the highly-addictive drugs, accounted for about 7 of every 1,000 people who filled a prescription for narcotic painkillers in 2008. But they purchased nearly …
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