Does Anbody Know of Any Free Drug Rehab Treatment Facilitys in Dallas Texas?

Question by mmm mmm good: Does anbody know of any free drug rehab treatment facilitys in Dallas Texas?
My husband is trying to find help for his drug addiction. He is sober now only because he is currently in jail for it. He will be out in a short time and wants help. Is there any free treatment centers (kind of like a halfway house) that allow married couples in dallas texas. somebody please help me, he needs help.

Best answer:

Answer by Another Day !! I am the Winner !
If he is in Jail , go ask the judge to refer him to a drug free facility ! Worked for my brothers , and the drug testing was court ordered,!! pass or go to jail what a win – win for the family !

What do you think? Answer below!



Iran grapples with drug problem – Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, the Iranian president, has proposed a budget estimated at 8bn for 2011, with a promise that spending will focus on agriculture, education and research. It is unclear how much of this budget will go on tackling the nation’s rising drug problem, though opium continues to pour into the country from neighbouring Afghanistan. In the last 10 months, Al Jazeera correspondent Alireza Ronaghi reports that police have seized over 400 tonnes of drugs and have lost dozens of police officers in the attempt to eradicate drug abuse in the Iranian capital, Tehran. Now some public security officials are saying the effort to chase and arrest drug dealers and users is almost pointless in the face of the sheer quantity of narcotics brought into the capital city every day. At a conference on drug control in Tehran this week, Brigadier-General Hamidreza Hosseinabadi, head of Iran’s anti-drug task force, criticised international organisations and Western powers for their lack of co-operation. “Those who chase terrorists in Afghanistan, they have left drug traffickers free. “I think they even guide traffickers. They allow a fifty percent increase of drug production in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, where the head quarters of British forces is located. What does that mean?” Hosseinabadi asked. Antonino De Leo, the representative of UN office on Drugs and Crime in Iran, says he is eager to help but his hands are tied. “Our technical assistance programme … is funded by


Prescription drug abuse a problem

Filed under: free drug addiction help

Ricky Walker of the Henry County Sheriff's Office think prescription drug abuse is a growing problem locally and that the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday is a good opportunity for people to safely dispose of unwanted, unused …
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COMMUNITY COMMENT: You can help prevent prescription drug abuse

Filed under: free drug addiction help

Those are valid concerns, yet we need to alert parents of a parallel drug problem that also has taken root in Indiana and plagues Hoosier families: abuse of drugs that are legal with a prescription. Unfortunately our state is caught up in a national …
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