Drug Abuse in Schools


Drug abuse in schools – The island’s substance abuse advisory council is calling for more lenient penalties for youth arrested for drug possession. The call comes in the wake of the arrest and charge of four students from a school on the island. The appeal also comes amid concerns over what the Council has described as a significant problem of drug abuse among secondary schools on the island.


Tomblin takes recommendations from substance abuse council

Filed under: drug abuse

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin's Advisory Council on Substance Abuse presented its year-end report last week, providing policy and program recommendations for consideration by state lawmakers during the upcoming …
Read more on Cumberland Times-News


Drug traffic fuels addiction in Sierra Leone

Filed under: drug abuse

Substance abuse has long been a problem for the impoverished West African country. Throughout the 1990s, a civil war gained international notoriety for the role played by drug-fuelled teenagers, who committed atrocities and launched an anarchic attack …
Read more on Aljazeera.com


From Twitter:

@youthpastorbry Thats strange because considering his drug abuse problems I thought he was referring to HEROIN! – by donidoll (Doni Combs)


From Twitter:

Millions of professionals should face mandatory drug testing at work, Britain’s most senior police officer has… http://t.co/7d2Mn4zL – by WhyteSapphire (Whyte Sapphire)


From Twitter:

Millions of professionals should face mandatory drug testing at work, Britain’s most senior police officer has… http://t.co/ve9QlhVI – by WhyteSapphire (Whyte Sapphire)