Drug Abuse Project 4-24-2013 for Dr. C – Bane Falls Off the Wagon


Drug abuse project 4-24-2013 for Dr. C – Bane falls off the wagon – Bane loses his job. Bane loses his house. Bane crashes his truck. Bane goes to jail. Bane recovers and helps other addicts. *Fair use FUTW.


Nightengale: Pete Rose's image boosted by PED scandal

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Tucson

I've got no problem voting for the best players of the steroid era because doping was prevalent during that period. Remember, drug testing didn't start until 2003, and there were no posted clubhouse signs prohibiting performance-enhancing drug use.
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Obama, back for another Leno interview, accuses Russia of 'Cold War thinking'

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Tucson

President Barack Obama lashed out at Russia's treatment of its sexual minorities on Tuesday, but he downplayed the massive intelligence victory over the United States that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin won by helping engineer Edward Snowden's …
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I Want Obamacare but You Go First

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Tucson

Applying Kausfiles' First Rule of Journalism–”Always generalize wildly from your own personal experience”–leads me to wonder how many people like me there are, and whether we might pose a problem for Obama's attempts to sign up enough healthy …
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