How to Get Over My Drug Addiction?
Question by confusedonlife: How to get over my drug addiction?
Hey guys im 14 years old and have a addiction to drugs. Started when i was 12 my older was doing blow constantly and i was always the good child but then i tried it with him one day and was hooked. I was doing coke maybe once every weekend to many times a week. Then he went to rehab and became sober but i didnt. I soon decided to switch so i started smoking alot of pot to keep me from getting coke. It worked out until me and my older buddy were driving home from a party drunk and we did 100 on the highway got pulled over and they took my ounce. Ive been on probation for about a year now and since i cant do weed ive been doing nitrous to compensate. I just enjoy the rush. What can i do to change my ways?
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Answer by death kitty
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