Emotional Binge Eating 5 Food Personalities Compulsive Overeating & Binge Eating


Emotional Binge Eating 5 Food Personalities Compulsive Overeating & Binge Eating – What is Your Food Personalities? We experience different ones when we are stressed, depressed or looking for love. Tips to help stop emotional eating http://…


Editorial: Open your hearts to the homeless

Filed under: food addiction help

That's unless, of course, they belong to a church or a service organization that as part of its mission routinely works with the homeless and helps those who serve them. … Or alcohol or drug addiction. Or a combination of mental illness and addiction …
Read more on Greenville News


Dr. Wilson Compton named Deputy Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse

Filed under: food addiction help

He has also coordinated innovative research designed to strengthen services through improved organizational and financial infrastructure. In addition, Dr. Compton has been a member of the DSM-5 Task Force and the Substance Use …
Read more on National Institutes of Health (press release)


China must kick costly coal addiction

Filed under: food addiction help

The timing doesn't help. Jokes about renaming the city “Grayjing” or “Beige-jing” coincide with the Communist Party's much-anticipated Third Plenum meeting Nov. 9-12. In a more democratic system, that might increase the urgency to act boldly to address …
Read more on The Japan Times


Emotions and eating two separate things

Filed under: food addiction help

In her new book, Quit Comfort Eating, Lose Weight By Managing Your Emotions, Dr Susan Albers has come up with tools to help you take a pause and identify what you are feeling at that crucial moment when you're deciding whether to have that junk snack …
Read more on Times of India


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9 Responses to Emotional Binge Eating 5 Food Personalities Compulsive Overeating & Binge Eating

  • Lisa Lieberman-Wang says:

    Jessica, I am happy you are seeking help. There will be a day that you will
    have a healthy relationship with food. I know when you are in it that
    doesn’t seem possible. The best part is that is can be eliminated really
    quickly when you exercise the right tools. Take your focus off the food and
    start seeing into the future now of what you want and where you want to be.
    Also take the focus off yourself. You will get quicker results when it is
    no longer all about you. Speaking from experience 🙂

  • Jessica Hamilton says:

    Thank you for this video. It’s comforting just knowing that there are
    people out there that truly understand the struggle. I don’t have bulimia,
    I have Binge Eating Disorder. So, aside from the lack of compensatory
    behaviors, it’s the same. As for the food personalities you mentioned, I am
    1, 2, and 4. I am currently working with a therapist and nutritionist and
    hope to rid myself of “the crazies” when it comes to food. I hope to one
    day have a healthy relationship with food.

  • Jack William Atkins says:

    The Neothink Society may be? able to help all bingers.

  • Lisa Lieberman-Wang says:

    MsRoadrunner I believe at some point in my life I was too. We do always
    find one that is dominant. Becoming aware of it is the first way to stop it.

  • Lisa Lieberman-Wang says:

    Megan, the great thing about recognizing it is that you can change it. Find
    something to replace the food that makes you feel good and is good for you.

  • Lisa Lieberman-Wang says:

    Pimpofdoom…did you ever keep a diary of your emotions when you go for the
    food? If you haven’t I would suggest you do. You will be surprised of the
    pattern you will see of what is going on when you turn to the food. Good
    luck. xoxo

  • JenMarie Bulkley says:

    those ALL sum up a compulisive overeater hmmm

  • Holly Tugiyanto says:

    oh wow:) those allllllllllll sound like me.

  • MsRoadrunner1990 says:

    Amm… I’m all of those personalities

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