Equine Therapy for Drug and Alcohol Addiciton in Tucson Arizona


Equine Therapy for Drug and Alcohol Addiciton in Tucson Arizona – www.cottonwooddetucson.com Cottonwood de Tucson’s Equine Therapy program Among a variety of holistic treaments, the equine therapy program at Cottonwood de Tucson, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Tucson, Arizona works with each patient to help explore boundaries, intimacy issues as well as mirror behaviorial patterns. While working with the horses patients experience an awareness of their own emotional state reflected in the horses actions. The horses experience the present moment with no motives or judgments and working with them patients can process perceived fear of rejection. Horse-assisted therapy demands a level of authenticity from the patient. Working with the horses can provide a rich opportunity to discover inner demons and inner strenghts. Cottonwood de Tucson Addiction Rehab Cottonwood de Tucson


Bain off-shoring victims ask Romney for help

Filed under: Tucson Drug Rehab Centers

The latest lawsuit over CRC's current practices was filed in January against CRC's prestigious $ 40000-a-month Sierra Tucson drug treatment center in Arizona, for the allegedly poor monitoring and treatment of what the lawsuit says was an obviously …
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Finding Inner Peace, Not Your Inner Cowgirl

Filed under: Tucson Drug Rehab Centers

Equine therapy, long a part of drug rehabilitation and psychotherapy programs across the country, is increasingly offered at spas as a supplement to massages and facials. At most of them, participants do not ride the horses, but learn to relate to them …
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