Everyday Miracles (HD)


Everyday Miracles (HD) – A unique and one-of-a-kind recovery center, see how lives are being changed from addiction to alcohol and drugs to lives set on a clear path to recovery. Tou…


Ending with a Bang

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association inc

On the other hand, MSHA's Joe Main and the Association of American Railroads confirmed early in the year that 2012 had been the safest year on record for the mining and railroad industries, respectively. … showed a 60 percent drop in positives among …
Read more on Occupational Health and Safety


False Positive? The Reality Of Workplace Drugs In America

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association inc

Then there are the issues of the chain of custody of the samples, the ability of people to cheat on their tests, the facts that employers treat different drugs with different levels of leniency and may even throw away positive tests of the "lenient …
Read more on Huffington Post