Febfast Helping Youth Support + Advocacy Service (YSAS)


febfast helping Youth Support + Advocacy Service (YSAS) – Every day of the year, over 160 young adults seek alcohol and drug support services. Youth Support + Advocacy Services (YSAS) is a leading youth health not-for-profit agency that enables highly vulnerable and high risk young people, or those at risk of becoming so, with substance dependence and misuse, mental illness and social disconnection to take control of their health and wellbeing. Established in 1998, YSAS has now supported over 20000 highly vulnerable young Victorians, or those at risk of becoming so. Over half of the young people supported in 2011-12 either ceased or significantly reduced their drug use. YSAS asks all Australians to look beyond the stereotype of those struggling with drug, alcohol and mental health issues, and see youth in a different light — as individuals with rights, strengths and their own hopes for the future. In 2013, febfast will fund YSAS in providing Victoria’s only youth-specific rehabilitation service with critical ‘adventure experiential learning’ programs, and funding experienced assertive outreach workers in Melbourne’s western and south eastern suburbs. For more information, visit febfast.org.au/whereyourmoneygoes


CdMHS PTA Tackles Teen Substance Abuse at January Meeting

Filed under: drug abuse help for teens

Nearly 60 parents gathered Wednesday evening in the Corona del Mar High School library to learn that their medicine cabinet is the most dangerous place, not just in their homes, but in their teen's life. Tiffany McCafferty of C.A.N. (Community Alliance …
Read more on Corona del Mar Today


Youth Event Gets Word Out On Drug Abuse Prevention

Filed under: drug abuse help for teens

The Nevada Community Prevention Coalition (NCPC) kicked off its new involvement in Moapa Valley with a Youth Festival on Thursday January 3. The NCPC organization, a grant funded Coalition to assist rural communities against drug and alcohol abuse, …
Read more on mvprogress


From Twitter:

RT @__troubledteens: Dealing with Teenage Drug Use and Abuse | Tips for Parents | Troubled Teens http://t.co/PjMlwvft via @turning_winds – by Kamikaze_98 (Marc)


From Twitter:

Dealing with Teenage Drug Use and Abuse | Tips for Parents | Troubled Teens http://t.co/PjMlwvft via @turning_winds – by __troubledteens (troubled teens)


From Twitter:

@laurawbush Thank you for supporting National #DrugFacts Week. We’re excited to help teens shatter the myths about drugs and drug abuse! – by NIDAnews (NIDAnews)