Find an Addiction Center in Connecticut 1-800-303-2938


Find An Addiction Center In Connecticut 1-800-839-1682 – There are many forms of treatment available in a Connecticut addiction center. Whether you live in Hartford or Bridgeport, a drug treatment center is not far…


For Obi, the fight for health is a tough one

Filed under: drug rehab centers in ct

This time, he saw Dr. Robert Volz, an orthopedic surgeon at Gundersen Health Center, who ordered a CT scan. Volz found an abnormality, so he rushed Obi and his parents into oncology. That was on June 12. … In that time, he'll face six cycles of …
Read more on The Westby Times


The moment heartbroken 12-year-old Jeopardy! finalist lost over a minor typo

Filed under: drug rehab centers in ct

The trouble was that the Newtown, Connecticut, eighth-grader slightly misspelled 'emancipation', writing instead 'emanciptation.' Scroll down to watch video. Moment of … Young talent: Hurley (center) had been selected to take part in Jeopardy! Kids …
Read more on Daily Mail