For Which of the Following Reasons Is Drug Addiction Considered a Complex Brain Disease?

Question by Devin: For which of the following reasons is considered a complex brain disease?
3. For which of the following reasons is drug addiction considered a complex brain disease?
(Points : 1)
Those who are addicted usually have a mental illness.

Use of drugs over time creates a disease in sections of the brain.

Drugs change the way the brain functions.

With drugs, brain chemicals increase and burn the brain.
Does abybody know?

Best answer:

Answer by J B
Drugs change the way the brain functions.

What do you think? Answer below!


Help stop teen prescription drug abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help

Did you know more Americans now die from drug overdoses than car crashes? It is a startling and deadly statistic. Of these deaths, 60 percent were due to the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs—making them more deadly than illicit drugs like …
Read more on Muscatine Journal


Everything You Know About Drug Use and Addiction is Wrong

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He also believes that educating the public on what recreational drugs actually do instead of creating false narratives of instant addiction would help people make better informed decisions about use. Most importantly, we have to combat the core issue …


Center offers hope to addicted women

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According to data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 20.6 million people across the country needed, but did not receive, specialty treatment for drug or alcohol abuse in 2012. The federal substance abuse survey found 9 …
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One Response to For Which of the Following Reasons Is Drug Addiction Considered a Complex Brain Disease?

  • Ms Mad Scientist says:

    Except for the first one about mental illness, it sees like the other two seem correct.

    – Using drugs can develop the disease of addiction, which is based in the brain.
    – Drugs do change the way the brain functions.
    – Drugs stimulate the creation of chemicals like dopamine, which can damage the brain.

    For more information on addictions and drugs, check out the drug addiction website below.

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