HARDtalk James Taylor 2


HARDtalk James Taylor 2 – HARDtalk 08/04/2008. James Taylor talks to Stephen Sackur about his hit song ‘Fire and Rain’, and his 18 year addiction to drugs.



15 Responses to HARDtalk James Taylor 2

  • suannie says:

    the guy obviously was insensitive…he was more interested in uncovering
    JT’s drug addiction than what JT’s talent was all about…

  • alphabetsoup100 says:

    BBC, your interviewer is acting like an narcotics interrogator. Is he
    planning to file a case on someone who had a case of drug abuse in the past
    soooooooo long agooooooooo?

  • fonsegrive says:

    Allez tous le voir, surtout vous les canadiens, il passe chez vous bientôt,
    nous nous sommes régalés lors de son passage en Suisse

  • kurtisrich says:

    I’ve been a fan of James Taylor since my childhood

  • otteboulder says:

    This man is really one of the most extraordinary musicians ever. Him and
    his songs are so real

  • psychobollox says:

    the name of the programme is … HARD TALK! nobody figured that out? stop
    dissing Sackur… this is not a sweet-and-sickly talk show… grow the fuck
    up. JT was made aware of the deal, or he would not have done this.

  • walkingbear56 says:

    “Creative-side brain” people have a tendency to do that ..its called
    “monitor reading”… as if they are reading from a tele-prompter just of to
    their left, it helps to formalize the thoughts that are coming through.

  • Major Cynic says:

    What a douche bag this interviewer is.

  • smilesawaityou says:

    J.T. is a complicate man, as many people are complex. This guy is a
    douchebag in that he tries to describe J.T. as someone who is troubled, yet
    hankering for innocence and home. Does this sound like…you? Why does this
    guy think that J.T. is so dear to us? It’s because he speaks from his soul
    and evokes feelings that we also have. There’s always tension between
    innocence and experience. This guy is a fucking idiot to miss that and to
    try to call J.T. on a contradiction that does not exist. Duh.

  • Pretty Millie says:

    Whey is the interviewer so condescending?

  • cedriclerouch says:

    Même avis ici à Bruxelles. JT y est passé début avril, c’était tout
    simplement FANTASTIQUE!!!

  • alphabetsoup100 says:

    i agree.. i agree

  • yogalover1960 says:

    who is this reporter…serious DOUCHE BAG!

  • brazmus76 says:

    this reporter had an agenda to categorize and illuminate James Taylor’s
    addiction. This information was more important to the reporter than
    anything else. As if the facts about JT’s past drug use were the reason for
    the interview- not the music. He wanted to be able to undeniably label
    Taylor as an addict and a perpetrator of painting a deceptive portrait of
    his life through his music. What a condescending and contemptuous,
    self-righteous agenda of defamation. Shame.

  • Atty Bong says:

    yes i saw this on bbc, thanks for posting

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