Have Your Say on Drug Abuse.?

Question by hot_but_taken_by_my_man: Have Your Say on .?
I need to report on Drugs and drug abuse I was curious to know other people’s perspective on it. so please let me know!
Thanks 😀

Best answer:

Answer by eventfulnights82
ii wrote a whole essay on legalizing drugs…if you want it email me; [email protected]

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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2 Responses to Have Your Say on Drug Abuse.?

  • HappyApple says:

    I think drugs have done some good things for us. If you don’t think drugs have done some good things for us, do me a favor: go home and take all your albums all your tapes all your CD’s and BURN them! Cuz you know what? All those musicians that have made the music that has enhanced your lives thoughout the years… RRREAL F@#*ING HIGH ON DRUGS!!!

  • connie32269 says:

    I think that everyone focuses on “illegal” drugs or “street” drugs when they think of Drug Abuse, but we have a serious problem with Prescription Drug Abuse that is NOT being addressed. Many people fall victim to this problem very innocently, they go to their Dr. that they TRUST for treatment and end up Addicted to Pain Medication ( a BIG problem! ) sleeping pills, anti-axiety meds and the list goes on and on….If the Government stopped going after petty little drug dealers abd started “treating” the problem I.E. better tx.programs free treatment, If there were NO addicts, there wouldn’t BE drug dealers! Hmmmmmmm

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