Help for Parents of Troubled Young Adults: What to Expect at Medicine Wheel


Help for Parents of Troubled Young Adults: What to Expect at Medicine Wheel – Young adults with substance abuse problems, emotional or behavioral problems, or who simply struggle to engage in life can fin…


Drug abuse epidemic is 'everybody's problem,' sheriff says

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Parents wanted more law enforcement and more treatment information, and Schulz said she would help spread the word. Julie Marker, president of the county Parent Teacher Association, said she would like the panel to visit several … Suzanne Preudhomme …
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TVUSD To Host Forum On Drug Abuse Among Schoolchildren

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

According to an announcement from the TVUSD, "Dr. Beacham is the former director of training/clinical services for CareUnit Hospitals where he trained addiction specialists, educators, parents, law enforcement, and mental health workers in substance …


Sex, drugs and Facebook: Seattle Children's social media research team takes

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Giving parents tips on how to be good guides is one part of that. Another is understanding the signals teens send on social media that could help health providers identify, understand or even anticipate risky behaviors like depression and substance abuse.
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