Question by rain21: HELP ME! I FEEL LIKE KILLING!!?
i was a child when the abuse started and no one cared about or loved me, both mom and dad beat me with various objects all my life every day of my life and no one helped me i have been burned , nearly drowned , shot in the shoulder, and stabbed by people who were supposed to love me . i have no brothers or sisters and soon no parents . they tortured me everyday of my life and now they put out of house and im homeless but now my heart is dark and cold and my eyes are brimming with hatred . SO I HAVE ONE QUESTION FOR ANYBODY WHO HAS SUFFERD BEFORE , WHY SHOULD I ALLOW ANY OF THOSE B*TCHES TO KEEP LIVING . I WANT TO SENT THEM ALL TO THE BOWELS OF HELL!

Best answer:

Answer by Austen

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7 Responses to HELP ME! I FEEL LIKE KILLING!!?

  • ashkid10 says:

    With how they’ve acted, they probably will go to Hell, so don’t kill them, or you will go to Hell too. If you need to kill, buy a couple goldfish from the store.

  • Madi says:

    I know that is terrible, I have never had that happen i have very lovable parents. But even though they hurt you physically and mentally, You would be the same as them if you hurt them, Unless your defending yourself. Im sure you want to kill them, gosh i would probablly. go To the police and talk to them. But how are you on the computer if your homeless?

    Guess you found a place. 😀

  • Deven F says:

    what doesnt kill you will make you stronger; do not allow their conspiracy of hatred to follow you to your ends,your special enough to have lived though it all, so make a difference, and help some one else, who is going thru this also.
    join a church. your answers are there.;)
    [god bless].

  • Lindsey G says:

    Let them live to save yourself. Find a counselor in your community or homeless shelter. If you harm them then they win. YOU MUST SEEK COUNSELING IMMEDIATELY!!! there are free resources in everycity and town.
    here are some free helplines you can call that can help you find the help and support you need:

    National Toll-Free Help Lines
    The numbers listed below can be dialed toll-free from anywhere within the United States. These organizations provide mental health information and referrals, and in some cases, crisis counseling.

    2007 Toll-Free Numbers for Health Information

    Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.
    Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) Technical Assistance Center

    Alzheimer’s Disease Education & Referral Center

    Department of Transportation’s Hotline for Air Travelers With Disabilities
    1-800-778-4838 (voice) or 1-800-455-9880 (TDD)

    National Clearinghouse on Family Support and Children’s Mental Health

    National Library of Medicine’s Health Hotlines Subject Index

    National Mental Health Association
    800-969-NMHA (6642)

    National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
    800-273-TALK (8255)

    SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
    800-662-HELP (4357), 800-487-4889 (TDD), 877-767-8432 (Spanish)

    SAMHSA’s National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information

    Su Familia (a bilingual service of the Office of Minority Health Resource Center)

  • Shano says:

    You should go see a psychologist and talk about it you can kill them if you want to get arrested.

  • sasaroth829 says:

    Live your life like you want too. Don’t let what has happened to you in the past change the way you live your life today. My mother was bad to mee too and I have changed my life so that my kids will never have that done to them. Please don’t take anyones life for what they have done to you. Only they will go to hell for what has happened not you.

  • ?mrs matt mcconaughey? says:

    believe me it’s not worth it!! try to get a better life!! when they get older they will probably come looking for you… then you can take your revenge… just focus on building a nice life and learn from their mistakes.. i’ve never had these problems! but i thnk this is the best way! all the best

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