Herbal Treatment for Tinnitus, Which I Can Learn It?

Question by : herbal treatment for tinnitus, which I can learn it?
Are there any herbal treatment of tinnitus in a way?
I have relatives who suffer from tinnitus for almost 4 years, and he has tried a variety of drugs from the doctor but not yet healed.

Best answer:

Answer by Dominick S
Lipoflavinoid…in vitamin section

What do you think? Answer below!



Health News Briefing #13: New twist on a ‘good’ book – Prescribing reading to treat cases may broaden drug-free health options. Links: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/jan/31/gps-prescribe-sel…



4 Responses to Herbal Treatment for Tinnitus, Which I Can Learn It?

  • Danielle says:

    Dear Bill,

    You can learn about herbal treatment for tinnitus on a wide range of articles available on the internet.

    But if you want to study herbal medicine for tinnitus further, I recommend you to read the ebook “Tinnitus Miracle” by Thomas Coleman.

    There you will learn step by step to heal tinnitus quickly by way of a multidimensional treatment.

    Do not worry about the certainty of healing that would be obtained, the author provides personal coaching to the client managed to recover from illness.

    So Bill…
    Good luck!

  • Rainbow Jeremy says:

    I don’t know… fish oil?

  • Carra Riley says:

    Heath News Briefing “New Twist on a good book”

    Take the 1 minute to listen to this and share what you think!

    Can a self help book change your thinking so your health improves?

    What is your favorite self help book?


  • Carra Riley says:

    What an incredible report… prescribe a good book! Looks like reading can
    make a difference…. I know a really good book! Thanks for this great
    group of videos Eric!

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