How Did You Get Rid of Your World of Warcraft Addiction?

Question by Chao L: How did you get rid of your World of Warcraft addiction?
I became an extreme addict, if you want to know more details check my other question here:;_ylt=Aqmb.54Fd12eKN4bGSLmiW7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080520075311AAXEai5

I just want someone to share their experience on how they got rid of WOW addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Jon 😛
hmm well ive played wow for about 3 years, and i dont seam to have a problem for it,

if u realy want to help go set the perental controols for it

or hey, start looking at porn

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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