How Do You Get Someone Into Drug Treatment Programs?

Question by Sheryl S: How do you get someone into drug treatment programs?
Anyone have any suggestions on coping with a family member who denies they are a crack user? I have someone who desperately needs to get treatment, but flatly denies the addiction and accuses everyone else of being “liars.” He is truly paranoid and it’s frightening just to try to talk to him.

We are at wit’s end in our family and are scared.
Appreciate all suggestions — no spam or sarcasm please, this is a serious family matter and we want to help the person. None of us have experience in this arena.
Oh no! I have posted this in the wrong category. My apologies to everyone.
But a big thank you to all who were kind enough to resond. All answers were good and deserving of “Best Answer.”

Only one person, DougF, saw fit to criticize me but pointed out my shortcomings in making an error on my posting. DougF, have you ever made an error in your lifetime? If not, you must be a very special individual.

Again, I apologize — not sure what I did wrong because I was reading Photography, then went on to ask my question. I could have sworn I chose Family & Relationships as category but I musn;t have exited Photography correctly.
Best to all!

Best answer:

Answer by chessmaster1018
I think everyone has one in their family. Have you tried an intervention as seen on TV. They seem to work for some people who are at their wits end, when you get to this point it’s about the only thing left to do, I’ve seen people on this show who I thought were hopeless, and it worked for them, they would show the person a year later, and wow what a difference, I’m very sorry for you and your family. Check with your local programs and see if they have this or know of anyone who does. Have you tried to write to the show maybe they could help, that’s what their there for, and this way you wouldn’t have to put out money that you probably don’t have.

What do you think? Answer below!





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