How to Make an Anti-Drugs Video?

Question by people287: How to make an anti-drugs video?
For my theology/morality class I have to make a short video/commercial that is anti-drugs. The teacher is really laid back so he would tolerate pretty much anything as long as the sentiment is still obvious. I plan to use prop cocaine in some way or another for it, and also the project is in groups of three students. What are some ideas/plots that you think would be interesting and/or doable for such a project?
I should mention that this is supposed to be more of a representation style rather than a pedagogic style of video. It should be more like a short-film than an infomercial

Best answer:

Answer by Finding.your.true.self
Show what drugs do to people how crazy they act.(car accidents, people jumping off of things)

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Drug and substance abuse: Killing Punjab’s GenNext – According to a research, 65 percent of youth in and around the border area of Amritsar are addicted to alcohol and drugs.