I Have to Write a Paper on Drug Abuse by Teens.?

Question by shhh: I have to write a paper on drug abuse by teens.?
In the paper i have to give advise to teenagers about how to say ‘no’ to drugs and how to deal with certain drug related situations.

Can anyone please give me situations and practical ways to deal with it and how to help someone that is using drugs?
(the solution can’t be rehab or therapy)

Best answer:

Answer by Alison

This paper will outline the practical ways teenagers can confidently be informed of the hazards of illegal drug taking and reach an informed and educated choice. Focussing on the individual ways to avoid peer pressure and make a mature and responsible stance against drug taking, this paper will outline real life situations and ways and methods to cope with and assist someone who is or has been using drugs.


Drug use is becoming increasingly popular in today’s modern society whereas many as one out of three teenagers (reference) has been or are engaging in both legal and illegal drugs.
Drug use by teens has many negative implications such as mental health and addiction of substances through to school drop put and even death (reference)

It can seem uncool to turn down drugs and the youth may be perceived as a goody goody and pressured into using drugs until they face addiction. Education is the key in helping young people.

“All my friends were doing it and I wanted to look cool so I joined in”, stated teen Ashley in a real life scenario. This is a common theme and the issue most teens face in their lives.
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4 Responses to I Have to Write a Paper on Drug Abuse by Teens.?

  • DrKlRd says:

    well, teens really dont pay attention to anyone so i guess writing a paper wont do it..so send them to the navy/military and beat their asses off…..fucking idiots needs to learn about being healthy..and not live a fucking wasted life…..do something man…those idiots pisses me off

  • Mariana Valescu says:

    Well number one the parents should be there for the kids. When I was a teenager my parents were always working and not there so therefore I had access to freedom time and I ended up doing drugs at a very young age. You can tell young kids about the consequences of drugs by showing them pictures of what happens to drug addicts and telling them that drugs stay within your system for a long time and it will be impossible to find a job because you will fail the drug test! They should be kept busy with activities like music, exercise, studying and trips. By keeping a teen busy with important activities this will teach them structure and also keep them from hanging out and doing irrelevant and stupid things. The most important way is to be there for your kids. If my parents did not have to work 3 jobs in order to help pay rent and food then obviously I would have never turned to drugs at such a young age. I am speaking from my own personal experience and when I have kids I will not make the same mistakes my parents made.

  • Cetramarius says:

    Subscription website? No thanks Make it free.

  • DeishaGuy says:

    I know that’s right! I got on free one time…i mean its a good site but
    they should make it free if their not giving them their royalties…

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