I Need Some Facts About Eric Clapton’s Drug Addiction.?

Question by Name Name: I need some facts about Eric Clapton’s drug addiction.?
What drugs was he addicted to, how did he take them, what was his motivation, how did his drug pattern lead to abuse, how did the abuse effect them, what part of his body did he harm, and where is he now because of the addiction. You don’t have to answer them all,just what you can.

Best answer:

Answer by crosstwntraffic
Cocaine was his drug of choice. With the occasional shot of heroin. He snorted the coke and shot the heroin. He got so strung out that he couldn’t even play guitar. He went for a few years without even picking up a guitar. Then he got clean and had to virtually learn to play all over. I think it made him a better musician in the end. Deeper and broader.

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