I Need Some Help on a Subject About Drug Uses?

Question by yvonne76scott: i need some help on a subject about drug uses?
my sisters huspand has a drug abuse problem. she left him and she is a christian woman. he is seeing a doctor with a contract that he is only using the drugs that the doctor gives him. well when they test him at the doctors office, there is another drug in his system. he says that it is caused by the chemicals in his body changes the drugs. i was wondering is that true, does your body change the type of drug in your system. he also has liver problems, hep b and bipolar. can anyone help or send me to an area that can help him out.
when i said my sister is a christian woman i mean she wants to stay right with her wedding promises, she doesn’t know if she should go back cause of her religion or just to stay away

Best answer:

Answer by Shandra M
1. The drug tests that are used are very sophisticated. It’s possible that a different drug is causing a positive result, but unlikely. Normally, before a urine test, the patient is asked to disclose all the prescription (and non-prescription) drugs that he/she has ingested. If your brother-in-law was truthful, the drug-screeners would take this information into account.

2. I don’t really understand what your sister’s religion has to do with this. Forgive my ignorance…are Christians somehow required to ingest drugs? Is your brother-in-law taking these drugs at Church? I have heard of Christians drinking wine in church, but as far as I know, they don’t do drugs in church…right?

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