Ice Age


Ice Age – It’s cheap, highly addictive and ultra-powerful. “Ice”, or crystal methamphetamine, is now more popular than heroin. It plays havoc with the minds and the bodies of addicts, filling emergency wards with dangerous, psychotic patients. But little is known about the long term effects of the drug or even how to treat the addiction. And health services are not prepared for the chaos ice has just started to unleash. This week’s documentary reports on the hidden epidemic.


Jesse Jackson Jr. and his wife plead guilty to misuse of campaign funds

Filed under: drug addiction movies

“These expenditures included high-end electronic items, collector's items, clothing, food and supplies for daily consumption, movie tickets, health club dues, personal travel and personal dining expenses,” the court filing states. Related …
Read more on ‘s PIX11 / WPIX-TV


12 important lessons the TLC biopic will teach the youth of today

Filed under: drug addiction movies

… told Entertainment Weekly at a press conference. She and T-Boz will be executive producers and consultants on the TV movie, which was written by Kate Lanier, the woman who gave the world What's Love Got to Do With It, the Oscar-nominated Tina …


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15 Responses to Ice Age

  • club4ghz says:

    ice ice baby?

  • anthony adam says:

    Makes me? thankful for what opportunities I’ve been given ….. I feel for everyone in this film but mostly for the child…

  • furpoh says:

    Ain’t it amazing how reality tends to take the allure away from drugs. I mean, after all these are the people who really use the junk, to escape from reality. I also don’t believe in the theory, “don’t knock it until you’ve? tried it”. I don’t need to go for a week or two on “ice” to determine how bad it actually is ! I mean damn!! Don’t we have enough problems in life??

  • furpoh says:

    Ain’t it amazing how reality tends to take the allure away from drugs. I mean, after all these are the people who really use the junk, to escape from reality. I also don’t believe in the theory, “don’t knock it? until you’ve tried it”. I don’t need to go for a week or two on “ice” to determine how bad it actually is ! I mean damn!! Don’t we have enough problems in life??

  • furpoh says:

    Ain’t it amazing how reality tends to take the allure away from drugs. I mean, after all these are the people who really use the junk, to escape from reality. I also don’t believe? in the theory, “don’t knock it until you’ve tried it”. I don’t need to go for a week or two on “ice” to determine how bad it actually is ! I mean damn!! Don’t we have enough problems in life??

  • Mentalplix says:

    @sonjafortuna No, she was talking about? giving the baby away once it was born.

  • sandraand6690 says:

    oops? typo’s Ground

  • sandraand6690 says:

    Aren’t all drugs at one point or another derived from plants, and fungi.
    Heroin, Cocaine/Crack, Marijuana and Antibiotics? I already know the answer to my question, but don’t understand the illogical reasoning some user use, when making excuses in repect to their choice of recreational drugs… If you like it then own up to it and say you like it, but please, please leave the ” it’s a plant and it grows from the grown, it’s a tree, it’s real medicine, bullshit? out of the equation.” (Drugs)

  • sandraand6690 says:

    Aside from the filthy apartments,/? housekeeping and the addicts on the couch, it’s a nice apartment..

  • telemetry9 says:

    we all started as children once.
    someone once said: “never judge? those less fortunate than you – they weren’t or aren’t as privileged as you.”
    It’s easy to pick on vulnerable people. You have no idea the kind of road these people have travelled or what their lives were like as children and young adults.
    So to all the borderline fascists wanting to make vulnerable people live on the streets by removing their welfare. I’d remind you that it is our society that created them.

  • telemetry9 says:

    yeh – because everyone just isn’t as hard? working or as brilliant as you.
    picking on vulnerable people doesn’t say a great deal about you as a person.

  • shawondemand says:

    it goes from
    drinking milk ->>soda->>meth

    drinking? milk ->>soda->>weed–>>meth

  • DRUMyourgoals says:

    I thought this documentary was actually about the ice? age.

  • Tony Galle says:

    fuck up mexico thats where? its coming from

  • Farook2297 says:

    Cut out welfare?

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